Monday 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM
  • Nov 18 - Just Transition / Education


The past year has seen record amounts of extreme weather events never before seen, reminding us of the importance for ambitious state coordinated adaptation strategies. Formulation and implementation of adaptation policy tackling climate justice correlates with the need for new cooperative pathways involving communities and groups who are disproportionately impacted by the crisis to come. Our roundtable, which regroups researchers, insurance global risk analysts and experts of climate empowerment will explore what type of solutions exist as of now to mitigate climate change for our communities while also exchanging on how to ensure civil society and communities be integrated into pathways for collaboration in the formulation of adaptation climate policy. We aim to incite historically forgotten actors in the fight against climate change to take part in the solution for just and fair policies.

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Charles-Édouard Têtu Climate Policy Analyst, Équiterre


Benoit Charette Minister of the Environment, the Fight Against Climate Change, Wildlife and Parks, Government of Québec
Noora Firaq Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Climate Outreach
Caroline Larrivée Director of scientific programming, Ouranos
Marc Paasch Global Head of Alternative Risk Transfer Solutions, WTW