Wednesday 11:45 AM - 12:45 PM
  • Nov 13 - Health / Peace, Relief and Recovery

University of Regina

The intensity and frequency of climate change-induced disasters are on the rise worldwide. The Canadian prairie region is highly vulnerable to climate-induced hazards and has seen increased drought, wildfire, and flood-related disasters. Intersecting social identity factors like gender, class, race, culture, and location—amongst others—combine to create highly differentiated disaster experiences. Hence, our response must go beyond dominant perspectives, technological solutions, and even geopolitical borders. This event will be an interactive multistakeholder panel discussing best practices beyond the usual technocratic approaches. It will also explore how international collaborations can complement efforts to improve knowledge mobilization and create equitable solutions globally.

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Abraham Bugre Co-Director - Gender, Environment, & Social Inequity Lab, University of Regina


Jamie Cummings Climate Change Contact Point, Sendai Stakeholder Engagement Mechanism
Amber Fletcher Academic Director, Community Engagement and Research Centre, University of Regina
Alvaro Rojas Ferreira Project Manager, UNU-EHS
Le-Anne Roper Program Management Officer, UNDRR