The International Network of Boundary Organizations on Adaptation (INBOA), established during Adaptation Futures 2023, will host its first annual showcase highlighting member’s successful boundary work, i.e. at the interface of research and decision-making. The Québec Minister of Environment and Ouranos will highlight tools developed to support municipalities with their adaptation measures. Regions4 will offer an international perspective on how global networks can support adaptation action locally, notably through their RegionsAdapt initiative. Finally, the Climate and Resilience Research with the Chilean Ministry of Environment will showcase their collaboration on data governance platforms for assessing climate risks and adaptation solutions. As boundary organizations are key actors in accelerating adaptation, INBOA seeks to create a space for knowledge sharing and relationship building that will enhance individual and collective contribution to global adaptation.
The additional resources and other links available for some individual events are not hosted on the official COP29 Canada Pavilion website, and as such, it is not guaranteed that they will be available in both official languages.
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