Friday 3:15 PM - 4:15 PM
  • Nov 15 - Energy

Emissions Reduction Alberta

Securing a reliable and affordable energy future while rapidly decarbonizing existing infrastructure is paramount. This panel explores how Canada and its international allies leverage innovative technologies and strategic funding to transform the natural gas sector. This session is a practical guide to Canadian leadership in climate action and energy innovation. The panel will present key case studies illustrating how NGIF’s funding has accelerated the commercialization of breakthrough technologies; discuss how NGIF, Emissions Reduction Alberta, and Alberta Innovates collaborate to de-risk and scale these technologies; and provide practical examples from GHGSat, which is revolutionizing emissions monitoring, and Tourmaline. which can showcase the smart energy management system, projected to reduce 11.3 million tonnes of CO2 by 2050.

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Justin Riemer Chief Executive Officer, Emissions Reduction Alberta


Patrick McDonald Assistant Deputy Minister, Air, Climate and Clean Technology, Government of Alberta
John Adams President and CEO, NGIF Capital & NGIF Accelerator, Managing Partner, Cleantech Ventures Fund
Stéphane Germain President, GHGSat
Bryan Helfenbaum Vice President, Clean Energy, Alberta Innovates
Scott Volk Director of Emissions and Innovation, Tourmaline